Whole House Humidifier

Enhance air quality and comfort of your home with a whole house humidifier. Find the perfect solution to combat dryness, static, and respiratory issues.

Preferred Series Whole-home Humidifier

A Bryant dehumidifier offers soothing relief from high humidity and cooling costs. By drawing excess moisture from indoor air, it lets you feel comfortable without over cooling your home, while also improving indoor air quality and helping to preserve wood furnishings.

Install a whole-home humidifier

Indoor Air Quality

Why Choose a Whole-Home Humidifier?

Installed directly to your home's central heating and cooling system, a whole-home humidifier provides whole-home comfort—unlike portable units that only address certain rooms. Too much humidity can be as much of a problem as too little humidity. Unlike portable units, a whole-home humidifier continually monitors relative humidity levels and then delivers the perfect amount of moisture to the air throughout your entire home.

Bryant offers both evaporative and steam humidifiers that introduce humidity into your home's air in the form of water vapor, which prevents minerals from entering the air in your home and potentially into your lungs. Maintenance of our humidifiers is easy and infrequent, requiring attention just once or twice a year. Compare that to portable humidifiers that require you to monitor levels in messy tanks.

Bryant Whole Home Humidifiers

Bryant® humidifiers help you add moisture to the air, keeping static, sore throats, and dry skin at bay. And because humidified air feels warmer, you can enjoy comfort at cooler temperature settings to help save energy and money over the winter.

Humidification—the process of adding moisture to the air—is one of the most important aspects of total indoor comfort, yet it's one of the least understood. Maybe this is because people associate humidity with the discomfort of hot, steamy summer days. And it's true that too much humidity causes problems. Yet when properly controlled, humidity offers many proven benefits to your health, home and comfort.

Residential home humidifier thermistat

Using a Bryant Whole-Home Humidifier is one of the most effective ways to add the proper amount of humidity to your indoor air and prevent the problems caused by dry air.

Reduction of Relative Humidity Causes Dry Air

This problem is especially prevalent during the winter heating season. This is because the relative humidity (RH) of the cold, outdoor air drops significantly when brought into your home and heated. Learn more about how relative humidity works.

Home humidifierAdd humidity to your homewhole home humidifierBryant Humidifier

Dry Air Can Damage Your Family’s Health and Home

Physicians and other experts often recommend humidity control to prevent the damaging effects of dry air caused by low relative humidity.

  • Low humidity can increase your likelihood of getting colds, flu and other upper respiratory ailments. Viruses that cause colds and flu thrive in low humidity. And, according to The American Society of Otolaryngology, dry air can make people more susceptible to infection. In addition, drier air can aggravate allergy and asthma symptoms.
  • Low humidity can cause home damage. It causes walls, woodwork, and your beautiful hardwood floors to crack. Electronics can fall victim to static electric charges, requiring expensive repair or replacement. Low humidity can cause higher energy costs.
  • Low humidity can make you feel too cold at normal temperatures leading you to turn up the thermostat. This leads to higher energy bills.

Beyond the damage low humidity causes, it makes you uncomfortable. It can cause:

  • Bloody noses
  • Dry mouth and dry, itchy eyes
  • Sore throats
  • Cracked, itchy skin
  • Painful static shocks

Why Choose a Whole-Home Humidifier?

Installed directly to your home's central heating and cooling system, a whole-home humidifier provides whole-home comfort—unlike portable units that only address certain rooms. Too much humidity can be as much of a problem as too little humidity. Unlike portable units, a whole-home humidifier continually monitors relative humidity levels and then delivers the perfect amount of moisture to the air throughout your entire home.

Bryant Offers Fully Automatic Digital Humidifier Control

You may never have to monitor settings or wait until you feel uncomfortable with a Bryant Automatic Digital Humidifier Control. Optimum levels of relative humidity in your home will fluctuate with the changes in outdoor temperature. And this set-it-and-forget-it control keeps your home’s humidity level exactly where you want it.

Contact us today to let us find the right humidifier for you.

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